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kineziologie Praha terapeutovna

Therapy Prague – Kinesiology

Alternative therapy Prague offers Kinesiology One Brain. Which combines the work of the conscious mind (what we know and are clearly aware of), with the subconscious mind (our deeper feelings, which in turn trigger emotions and moods at the conscious level) and the body (where the origin of our feelings is stored). This offers to client very efficient and gentle way to self-improvement.

Therapy Prague – Kinesiology One Brain

Thanks to the combination of conscious, subconscious and body, One Brain offers an unique holistic approach to dealing with diverse issues. Whether they manifest in physical, psychological or mental form or are deeply hidden in our subconscious. As like that therapy Prague can allow you desired self-improvement, stress release. Or removal of subconscious blocks and wider perspective to your issue.

Saying that the method One Brain is not goal oriented. What does it mean? As we are removing the obstacles and block in your mind/subconscious on your way of self-improvement and self development. It might happen that you will no longer care about the result for which you came at first place. At the first place at Alternative therapy Prague – Kinesiology One Brain is your better feeling in life or given situation.

therapy prague - kinesiology

For example you might come with issue of weight loss – willing to get in great shape, realising that highly probably your mind and some psychological effect are involved. Well, we might resolve them and suddenly your diet will finally start to work perfectly. But the you might also end up not to care about – as getting in shape was rather desire to feel loved, sufficient, …. etc.

How it works and role facilitator

It is also important to note that a „therapist“ in kinesiology is not a therapist as such. A more appropriate word is facilitator. Since my role is to accompany the client and facilitate his journey. In One Brain Kinesiology this is done:

  • by a muscle test that shows which way to go
  • by maintaining perspective: when working with the subconscious, it is quite normal to get „stuck“ and not see even a very clear way out. The facilitator helps to gain new insights or discover solutions to a situation.
  • thanks to neutrality – no one but you can know what is best for you. Although the facilitator provides suggestions for solutions when needed. It does not mean that he/she insists on one single right solution.

What you can expect visiting alternative Therapy Prague – Kinesiology

My role as a facilitator within alternative Prague Therapy – Kinesiology One Brain is to help you understand your current patterns of behaviour. Gradually remove your blocks and fears, and see and accept as your new (resonating with you) choices. And to do this as quickly as is best for you within the context of the topic at hand.

Saying that I am still just a facilitator – I will be there assisting, testing, giving you ideas, doing with you correction exercises to release stress. But the result is yours. There is no one to tell you what you have to do, how you need to behave or decide. Of course if you would need any consultation after the session (which is rare but might happen), your are welcome to contact me.

Sometimes a session is the last missing piece to the puzzle and the result looks almost like miracle. Other times you need patience to build a new pattern if topic is more complex. At the same time even if more sessions are needed, you will spot difference already after the first one.

your way to yourself at Therapy Prague

What kind of self-improvement and issue might be resolved?

Thanks to its approach, One Brain Kinesiology can cover a wide range of problems and can help on the path of self-development / self-improvement. All that matters is the client’s willingness to really change things. Here is an example of the topics that kinesiology addresses.

  • Stresses and stressful situations
  • (Bad) habits
  • Fears and Addictions
  • Problems in relationships
  • Weight loss and Body image
  • Psychological problems and Depression (at the stage when the client is able to take back his/her competence and life choices)
  • Self-confidence
  • Self-development and Self-improvement
  • Dyslexia and Lack of focus
  • Psychosomatic causes of chronic illness and repetitive trauma
  • Allergies
  • And much more

Before kinesiology session at Alternative Therapy Prague

There is nothing special that you need to do except choosing the topic that you would like to resolve. Within the first session I will show you how your muscles and muscles test is working and the rest I will explain you along the session. If you would have any additional question you are welcome to ask.

If you are unsure about the topic and it is more about – I would like to feel happier in life, this is also possible. Or you would like to use session rather for self-development with a particular focus. It would be good to have idea how you would like to feel in certain situation. So that you can connect with it better and the effect is bigger. At the same time, there is no pressure and we can just go step by step.

Alternative Therapy Prague is still about kinesiology even though lot of work is happening in subconscious. Therefore it might be needed to involve your body / muscles more in certain scenarios. So please come dress the way that you feel comfortable if I would need to do any correction / testing on massage table. (Either by dressing like that directly, changing before session or being ok with taking your skirt off – since it is less pain for you, knowing that in majority of cases this will not be necesseraly)

If you are unsure, please feel free to contact me before first visit regarding your specific problems or to ask more in details about kinesiology session.

Kinesiology is also suitable for children.

Therapy Prague – Location

The One Brain Kinesiology alternative therapy Prague is located in the centre of Prague – Letná (Sládkova 7, Praha 7).
The session lasts about 90min (however, the range is from 60-120min. Price is for the session and not for the time spent and it also includes a phone consultation after the session if needed.) Check more details here.

Kineziologie Praha - pohled na terapeutovnu

Or you can book straight away – just let me know your preferred date and I’ll get back to you. Alternatively, just fill in your contact details.

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